Bottle Drive Fundraiser
Drop off your empties on Sunday, March 30th (1 – 3:30 pm)). Click on the image for details. Cheers!
We're at 644 Memorial Ave. Qualicum Beach
Leagues & bonspiels for all ages & abilities.
We have all you need to curl and socialize!
Welcome! Find out more about our 4-sheet facility with something for all ages and abilities. Visit the Pro Shop, Bar/Lounge & join us for our weekly leagues, bonspiels and social events. Celebrating 60 years in the community. Let's get curling!
Drop off your empties on Sunday, March 30th (1 – 3:30 pm)). Click on the image for details. Cheers!
The ‘Battle of the Sexes’ competition on Jan. 25th was exciting and fun. Click on the image to see who won!
Join us for a groovy weekend at our Mixed Bonspiel – Feb. 21-23. Click on the image for details.
Win/win with the CurlBC 50/50 monthly raffles. Our Club benefits when you buy! Details here.